Engine filters supplier

Generatore nella stagione delle piogge

volta: Apr 27, 2023

Generator in the rainy season

Generatore nella stagione delle piogge


1.In rainy season. In order to prevent lightning strike, the grounding line should be connected to the base of the unit.Open generator set is not recommended in rain!Avoid electricity leakage and injury.Especially for high-power units.It is recommended to configure a rain canopy.


2.When generator is used in high-power appliances such as air conditioners, pay attention to matching the capacity of home line. Overload use can easily lead to failure.


3.Be careful not to touch or put wet objects on the wires. Check whether the cable is damaged and whether the buried cable is armored.


4.Before the rainy season arrives, the distribution box, switch box, and welding machine should be placed outdoors and moisture-proof measures should be taken to prevent rainwater from entering the distribution box and causing danger. For electrical equipment used in canteens, living areas, and office areas, rain and moisture prevention measures should be taken.


5.When operating electrical equipment outdoors on rainy days, the insulating part of the operating rod should be covered with a rain cover or an operating rod with an insulator should be used. During operation, keep a safe distance between the human and live equipment, and pay attention to placing the insulating rod to be shorted by the human body or the equipment.


6.Tutte le apparecchiature e i circuiti elettrici devono essere ispezionati dopo la pioggia e i problemi devono essere risolti tempestivamente. Dopo interruzioni di corrente di emergenza come scatole di distribuzione e apparecchiature elettriche, trattare le parti bagnate, farle asciugare e ripristinare l'isolamento, quindi eseguire l'operazione dopo che la resistenza di isolamento è stata qualificata mediante scuotimento.



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